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Designed to make an impact

ロンドン, イギリス
115,000 sq ft / 10,684 sq m
25 Cannon Street overview

A distinctive, re-imagined building for the future

25 Cannon Street is an exceptional commercial office building that redefines the standards of contemporary workspace in the heart of the City of London.

First developed in 2000, the building recently underwent a full refurbishment to meet and exceed the evolving needs of the modern workforce.

This 115,000 sq ft mixed-use building includes high-specification office and retail and terraces that afford a clear view of London’s iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral.




Sustainable by design

Discover 25 Cannon Street

Working with award-winning landscape design practice,
Tom Stuart-Smith, the publicly accessible garden has been sensitively redesigned to create an area of calm amongst the bustle of its urban setting. Existing trees were retained alongside new shrubs and understory planting to provide year-round ground coverage to the redeveloped space.

In the garden’s centre is a large, reflective pool capturing St. Paul’s iconic dome, designed in collaboration with water-feature specialist Andrew Ewing.

This distinctive feature sets 25 Cannon Street apart, offering businesses an exquisite environment that harmonizes nature with corporate excellence.

Strategically positioned for the future

A modern workspace

Created with the utmost consideration for its occupiers, this modern workspace is more than just its physical location; it’s an environment that prioritises well-being and fosters productivity. Placing emphasis on maximising natural light, promoting better air quality, and providing cutting-edge end-of-trip facilities, this building focuses on creating an environment where employees can thrive.

Underscoring our dedication to a greener, more sustainable future, we are targeting a BREEAM excellent rating and have designed the asset to improve energy efficiency and operate on renewable energy.

Key contacts

Asset manager